I'm excited to announce my two new books, both released in January, 2020 as part Rosen Publishing's new series, "Be the Change! Political Participation in Your Community". The books are called Developing a Strategy and Plan for a Political Campaign (order on Amazon) and Working with the Community in a Political Campaign (order on Amazon).
Part of a series to break taboos and to provide unbiased information for teenagers, my book, Coping with Teen Pregnancy (published January 15, 2019) is part of Rosen Publishing's "Coping" series for teens and young adults. Purchase on Amazon.
In 2021, I'm working toward completing a memoir, Lovable Liars. I'm also finishing Advice to My Thirteen-Year-Old Self, an anthology of advice letters written by women from around the world to their teenage selves (this second book is represented by Nancy Barton from the Nancy Barton Agency.
I'm also in the midst of writing a novel called Sea of Grass (loosely based on an Irish American rubber titan relative who lived in Ireland, the U.S., and Brazil) and the first book in a middle grade fiction series (Rainer Taupe and the Great Glass Turbine).